
The Inclusive IT Learning Platform for Everyone

At GradeBuilder, we believe that learning should be accessible, engaging, and personalized for everyone—especially for those who face challenges with focus and concentration, including people with ADHD.

Our platform is designed to provide comprehensive IT education, carefully structured for students who may struggle in traditional learning environments. Whether you’re someone who finds it hard to focus, or you’re simply looking for a more adaptive and personalized learning experience, GradeBuilder is here to support you every step of the way.

Our Plans and Ambitions

🌿Comfortable platform 
🚀 Motivation in learning 
📈 Career tracking
📝 Help with resume creation
🎯 Adapting study plans for job positions
👩‍💻 Virtual mentor
📚 Personalized smart course builder
⏱ Learn at your own pace
🔔 Instant feedback
💼 Career support
🔥 Bootcamps
✨ Multilingual platform
🚀 Student development team acceleration

b2b Options

🏗 Corporate course builder
🛠 Employee qualification assessment
🤖 Automating technical interviews
⚙️ HR and hiring automation
🏫 Platform rental



🎓 Collaboration with universities
👨‍🏫 Mentors and teachers database
🎓 Professional certification and exams

Why GradeBuilder is Different

🫧 Designed for People with ADHD and Focus Challenges
We understand that traditional learning methods don’t always work for everyone. That’s why our platform is built with special tools to help maintain concentration, refocus when distracted, and keep learning engaging. Every tool and feature is thoughtfully crafted to address the needs of those with learning difficulties.

🫧 AI-Powered Virtual Mentor
Our virtual mentor provides real-time support, feedback, and personalized guidance. It helps you stay motivated, track your progress, and adjust your learning path as needed, making sure you never feel lost or overwhelmed.

🫧 Personalized Learning Plans
Each student receives a customized learning plan that adapts to their unique needs and career goals. Whether you’re aiming to become a software tester, analyst, or any other IT specialist, your learning path will be tailored to ensure you reach your goals efficiently.

🫧 Career guidance
We will help you understand what career you need and make adjustments if your goals have changed.

🫧 Multilingualism
We are starting with three languages: English, Spanish and Russian, and will later expand to other languages. 

How does the GradeBuilder platform work, and why does it help?

🫧 Focus support. The platform provides tools to help users maintain focus, return to studying after distractions, and organize the learning process.

🫧 Personalized learning. The virtual mentor adapts to each student’s needs, offering feedback, customizing study plans, and supporting motivation throughout the learning journey.

🫧 Flexibility. The platform allows users to adjust the learning process to their preferences — from controlling the pace of lessons to customizing visual and interactive elements that enhance material comprehension.

🫧 Instant feedback. Students receive immediate feedback and evaluations from the virtual mentor, enabling them to track their progress and make improvements in real time.

🫧 Interactive elements and gamification. Gamified elements and rewards encourage students to reach their goals, helping them stay engaged and motivated.

Who are we?

GradeBuilder was founded by Iuliia Gorshkova, an experienced engineer, educator, and entrepreneur who has firsthand experience with ADHD. Iuliia has successfully overcome her own concentration challenges and built a thriving career in IT, teaching hundreds of students along the way. Now, she brings that expertise to GradeBuilder, developing courses and learning methods that work for everyone, regardless of their learning style.

Together with a dedicated team of AI developers, educators, and a psychiatrist specializing in ADHD, we will create a platform that combines cutting-edge technology with proven teaching methods to provide a supportive and effective learning experience.

The problems

What we want to fix

  • People with ADHD and concentration issues struggle to maintain focus during courses, leading to reduced motivation and success in learning.

  • Students often spend a lot of money on courses that contain unnecessary information for their specific goals.

  • Students are unsure of what they need to learn and often purchase courses they later abandon because the content is either unengaging or irrelevant.

  • People lack clarity on the skills they need for their career, or what to learn for a new qualification or promotion at work.

  • Choosing a profession in IT is challenging due to limited knowledge about various roles and a lack of clear understanding of what might interest them.

  • Students need personalized support, but mentorship can be prohibitively expensive.

  • People with concentration difficulties struggle to follow traditional, rigid learning methods and need flexible, adaptive learning paths.

  • IT companies require specialists skilled in specific technology stacks, but many lack the resources to train potential hires or upskill their current employees in new technologies.

  • IT companies want to assess candidates with technical tests before interviews, but not all have access to conduct these tests online.

  • There is a growing shortage of qualified IT professionals. Research shows that by 2030, Europe could face a deficit of up to 700,000 skilled IT specialists, with a current shortage of 270,000 specialists.

The Solutions

How we want to fix it

  • Students pay an affordable monthly subscription, which can be canceled at any time, or purchase a full course for permanent access
  • The smart course builder adapts to each student, making learning more comfortable and effective by personalizing their educational journey to fit their unique needs and goals
  • Students choose courses and can quickly switch to another if they find the current one uninteresting
  • A virtual mentor fully replaces the need for a live mentor, providing support and answering students’ questions
  • Students take surveys and receive personalized recommendations on suitable professions, how to increase their salary, and which courses to take, much like completing a puzzle with only the missing pieces
  • Upon request from IT companies, we create tailored courses to meet specific company needs
  • We develop tests for IT companies to assess potential employees
  • We offer IT companies access to our students’ test results (with students’ consent), enabling them to invite top performers for interviews
  • In response to the significant talent shortage in ICT, where only 23% of the workforce is female, we are committed to promoting programs to attract more women into technology, in collaboration with European funds and NGOs

We believe in ourselves and in technology

We believe that technology makes our world a better place, and we believe that we make people’s lives better.

That’s why we’re committed to helping people gain new skills and understand the ever-evolving digital landscape. With our courses, you’ll be able to learn at your own pace, from anywhere in the world. Whether you’re looking to start a new career or simply stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends, we’ve got you covered.